Contact address
T: +31 - (0) 20 - 462 4070
Van Heuven Goedhartlaan 121
1181KK Amstelveen
The Netherlands
Arcanum believes in optimism, perseverance and perfection!

Corporations and high net worth individuals and their advisers nowadays often receive offers from many firms to form a company in offshore centre X or to establish one's domicile in offshore centre Y. What are the criteria to opt for X instead of Q, etc? An attempt to handle this problem of choice, is to apply the following tentative list of 15 criteria:
01. Political stability: we have it.
02. Just and predictable legislation: we have it.
03. Economic stability: we have it.
04. Good international business climate: we have it.
05. Competitive cost structure: we have it.
06. Good tax legislation for corporations and private persons: we have it.
07. Flexible corporate regimes: we have it.
08. Attractive tax climate: we have it.
09. Extensive double tax treaties network: we have it.
10. Good bank facilities and free movement of capital: we have it.
11. Good communication facilities: we have it.
12. Strategic location with good connections: we have it.
13. Confidentiality: we have it.
14. Highly trained eager and friendly multi-lingual and flexible work force: we have it.
15. Attractive visa program for non EU nationals: we have.
Compare The Netherlands with other business centres along these criteria and the result is: we have it. Come and get it!
Of course the final choice also depends very much on the circumstances of the case.